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번호 제목 파일 연구자 등록일 조회
917 아동기 자녀를 둔 취업모가 지각하는 일-가정양립과 사회적지지 간의 종단적 관계 조혜영, 권정윤 2023-01-09 1202
916 불평등은 언제부터 발생하는가: 초기 아동기 인지능력 발달에서 나타나는 가족배경 격차 추세 임영신, 최성수 2023-01-09 731
915 The Relationship between Children’s School Adaptation, Academic Achievement, Happiness, and Problema Yookyung Eoh, Eunsik Lee 2023-01-09 441
914 A Longitudinal Approach to the Relationships Among Sleep, Behavioral Adjustment kijoo Cha 2023-01-09 310
913 Particulate matter exposure during pregnancy increases risk of childhood asthma; modified by gender Hyo-Bin Kim, Hyeyeun Lim 2023-01-09 217
912 Application of a Bayesian Network Learning Model to Predict Longitudinal Trajectories Eun-Kyoung Goh, Hyo-Jeong Jeon 2023-01-09 206
911 The Latent Growth Model of the Korean Language and Mathematics Academic Performance Eun Ju Lee 2023-01-09 214
910 초등학생의 행복감 변화 유형화 및 영향요인 검증: 성장혼합모형을 적용하여 김시현 2023-01-09 575
909 Maternal Responsive Parenting Trajectories From Birth to Age 3 and Children’s Self-Esteem at First G Yeon Ha Kim 2023-01-09 206
908 Effects of Parental Bedtime Involvement During Children’s Bedtime Kyung Eun Jahng, Eunhye Kim 2023-01-09 230
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