The 1st ECEC Policy Symposium of 2023

The 1st ECEC Policy Symposium of 2023 took place, organized by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE, President Park Sanghee) in collaboration with National Assemblywoman Jung Kyung-hee. The symposium was held on Friday, May 12, 2023, at 2 p.m. in the 9th Conference Room of the National Assembly Hall. Its central theme was "Utilization of Digital Technology in Early Childhood Education and Childcare," aiming to explore the impact of emerging digital technologies on early childhood education and childcare and how to effectively address them. The opening and welcoming remarks were delivered by Representative Chung Kyung-hee of the National Assembly and Dr. Park Sang-hee, President of the KICCE, while Mr. Chung Woo-taek, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly (the People Power Party), presented a congratulatory speech.

During the symposium, Changhyun Park, a research fellow at the KICCE, delivered an insightful presentation titled 'Exploring Strategies for Utilizing Software and Artificial Intelligence in Early Childhood Education: Focusing on Domestic and International Trends.' The presentation focused on various aspects, including the direction of government policies, safety and ethical considerations surrounding artificial intelligence for children, and digital competencies for infants and young children. Dr. Park also introduced relevant domestic and international cases and shared preliminary research on artificial intelligence and software education activities for infants. Additionally, Dr. Moo-Kyung Moon, Director of the International Exchange Data Policy Research Center at the KICCE, presented on 'Examples and Implications of Digital Policies for Early Childhood Education in Overseas Countries.' The presentation highlighted key findings from the G20 Countries Survey and the report on ECEC in a Digital World. Furthermore, Dr. Moon shared noteworthy examples of digital policies implemented in various countries.

The designated discussion segment involved esteemed panelists including Prof. Jae-eun Jung from Dongyang University, Prof. Chang Jung-yoon from Kangnam University, Prof. Yoo Gu-jong from the Gangneung-Wonju National University, and Director Son Chan-hee  from the Future Education Research Center at the Korea Educational Development Institute.