KICCE Webinar on ECEC Policy Development Cooperation

On December 21st, KICCE, together with UNESCO Bangkok and Asia Regional Network of Early Childhood, hosted the "KICCE Webinar on ECEC Policy Development Cooperation". Under the main theme 'ECCE Policy Development Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region: Outcomes and Future Tasks', Moo-Kyung Moon (Senior Research Fellow, KICCE) presented a paper on the 'Outcomes and Lessons of ECEC Policy Development Cooperation in the selected Asia-Pacific countries'. Vitaliy Kim (Deputy Director, Ministry of preschool education of the Republic of Uzbekistan), Le Anh Vinh (Vice Director General, Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences (VNIES)), and Vaciseva R. VEREBASAGA (Ministry of Education Fiji) each then presented the progresses and issues around quality monitoring system in their countries. The session was then followed by the presentations on 'Strengthening capacity to provide quality of ECCE provision in Fiji' by Nyi Nyi Thaung (UNESCO Bangkok) and Kyungah Kristy Bang (UNESCO Bangkok), and ‘Enhancing Quality of ECCE in Vietnam through Development Cooperation’by Prof. Evelyn Santiago (ARNEC Executive Director). Prof. Nirmala Rao (Hong Kong University), Ning Fu (World Bank), and Francisco Benavides (UNICEF EAPRO) participated in the panel discussion to share their experiences around International Development Cooperation, primary issues around the topic, and future directions.