2023 13th KICCE Policy Debate Held

Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE) hosted the 13th Policy Debate under the theme of 'Seminar on changes in infants' households and development, and issues: changes in infants' households and development due to the COVID-19 pandemic' in the Post Tower Sky Hall, at 2:00 pm on Friday, December 15, 2023. In the first session <Changes in infants' households due to Covid-19 Pandemic>, Choi Hyo-mi, a researcher at KICCE, announced 'changes in nursery expenses and using child care services in infants' households due to the COVID-19 Pandemic', and Professor Woo Seok-jin from Myongji University described 'effects of COVID-19 on the consumption and labor supply of infants' households'. In the following session <Changes in infants' development due to the COVID-19 Pandemic>, Professor Lee Young-Ae of Sookmyung Women's University and Professor Park Hee-hyun of Dongshin University analyzed 'changes in infants' development after COVID-19 with clinical cases', and Choi Eun-young, Senior Research Fellow at KICCE described 'changes in infants' development and learning after COVID-19'. In the comprehensive discussion, Yoon Jung-hwan, an assistant researcher at the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Koh Young-woo, a researcher at the Korea Labor Institute, Kim Eun-young, Senior Research Fellow at KICCE, Professor Lee Kyung-ok at Duksung Women's University, and Professor Jung Yoon-kyung at Catholic University of Korea, participated.